Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Using Nature in Art: Mark Dion

Mark Dion, Neukom Vivarium, permanent installation Olympic Sculpture Park, Seattle, 2006

After watching the PBS documentary on his work, and following our in-class discussion, please respond to the following.

1. Mark Dion dulls the line between artist, scientist, and historian. In his artwork, Neukom Vivarium, he focuses on re-creating nature in a lab/classroom-like environment.
a. Recall some of the steps that were used to recreate the environment of a tree underneath the canopy.
b. Dion stated that each time this artwork is visited, it would be a different experience. Why is this? (also recall where the work is located).
c. How does this artwork create a commentary on how we treat our environment? Make sure to use supporting elements from the artwork itself, artist intent, and process to justify your answer.

For his artwork Rats and Tar, please answer the following:

1. What is the historical background of this work?
2. Depending on who you are, you may find this work humorous or offensive. Dion's work is creating a commentary. What is the work a commentary about, and do you believe that he is successful in getting his point across? Why or why not?

Don't recall the video? Catch it again @ PBS.org. Search Mark Dion.

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